Hi there – Kylie here thank you so much for visiting my website.
I am the creator and owner of Scrappingclearly I live in a little rural town Gundagai in NSW, I have my Scrappingclearly shop in the main Street it’s my happy place a little scrapbooking boutique. I am married to David mum to Royce 24 and Chelsea 22 a pigeon pair…. I have been scrapbooking for over 24 years and have enjoyed every minute. I truly believe I am even more addicted today !
I also love to play sports Touch Football and Hockey and I am forever in my car touring my children all over the country with theirs…… I love fashion and the shopping that goes along with it……
My second love is to create jewellery selling lots of handmade leather and cutlery pieces my Lucky Findings……inspired by beautiful brother who I lost in September 2017 you can find my unique pieces on the Scrappingclearly Website under LUCKYFINDINGS.
I have evolved lots in my time scrapbooking – I don’t have any particular style and love to create in various ways from traditional to Mixed Media, Project Life and I am huge fan of Memory Files. I am totally addicted to ART JOURNALLING and love all types of mediums and paints.
I was lucky enough and totally honoured to be a Double Scrapbooking Memories Masters in 2006 and again in 2016, I was an Elite Member of For Keeps, learning so much along the way! I just love to create and to take photographs to document my families life. I have my own studio which was once my husbands tool shed (long story) :0) knowing how it is to find some products I pour my heart and soul into my shop and website and I love to to be able to provide for other scrapbookers! My shop hosts classes all year round Australian talent and international artists.
Dina Wakley, Dee Dee Cantron, Cheryl Boglioli & Birgit Koopsen have all visted and taught here @ Scrappingclearly in Gundagai. Aida Domisiewicz virtually due to Covid 19 .
I hope you enjoy the Scrappingclearly website and all products available and the creations and inspirations of the fabulous team below……